Yanick Kane, Author and Baker

Welcome To YanickKane.Com

Greetings! We are grateful for your visit! These books are designed to assist parents in building up the emotional and spiritual aspect of children and to help them to live healthy lives. As the mother of four children aged 21, 14, 13, and 10, she understands the dynamics of childhood development and the importance of building healthy children in a holistic way. When we as parents help our kids to identify their PURPOSE in life and teach them how to properly INTERACT with people using courteous behavior, we will set them up for success in their lives! Again, thank you for visiting with us, and continued success in helping our next generation to be great!

Toby, The Underdog Series

This book series is dedicated to all the children and children at heart, who have yet to discover their talents and purpose.

Everyone Was Created For A Purpose! 

Life Is An Adventure! 



Tanner's School Of Manners Series

Kindness is catchy! Tanner’s mother taught him how to be polite and use good manners. Tanner delighted in the way others responded when he was kind, so now he's on a quest to teach others about good manners!


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